
Gilded Age Unit

I have just started listening to a podcast by The History Chicks and am completely hooked!

I’ve always been fascinated by history but have a hard time reading non-fiction histories or biographies as they can sometimes be dry and just not as exciting as fiction. Listening to a podcast is so much easier, especially with an active almost seven month old baby to take care of. The History Chicks are great! Each episode focuses on a discussion about one woman from history (and sometimes even a fictional character like Cinderella).

As I was making my way through their earlier episodes, I became inspired by a series they did on the Gilded Age. The Gilded Age, a term coined by Mark Twain originally, characterizes an era in America from about the end of the Civil War to the beginning of World War I. The country was becoming more and more industrialized and fortunes were being made.

I’ve decided to create my own thematic unit on this particular period of time.

Here’s my reading list so far:

And my movie/tv list:

Finally, podcasts:

(Really- you should check out The History Chicks if you are interested in history. Even my husband enjoyed listening to them with me!)

I think this will keep me busy for awhile!



2 thoughts on “Gilded Age Unit

  1. If you like history podcasts, I also highly recommend The Thomas Jefferson Hour. Thoughtful and lively discussions on history and current affairs. I’ve been listening for almost a year and have learned a lot. It’s on iTunes, pod bay, and the most recent episodes are on their website, jeffersonhour.com.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.


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